Sunday 12 November 2023

Euro trip Part 1 video

 It's a bit late but thats life, sometimes riding a bike gets in the way of documenting riding a bike. I enjoy seeing it when its done but sometimes I lack enthusiasm, I know people make a living out of it but I'm lucky, I don't do it for fame or money (Just as well) and sometimes the whole you tube thing gets to me, notice all the videos that start with a "Disaster" "whats going wrong" or "Murdered by a womble" on the opening screen just to try to get people to click on their videos, It's false advertising, the Wombles aren't real (Fiona just told me that yesterday) Anyway here is a boring video, narrated by a boring person about our Holiday, if you don't like it you get your money back, matter of fact since it doesn't cost anything I'll give you double your money back.

Spoiler alert, I'm doing the can can.....just not in the video


  1. Merci, grazie, Gino, Fiona, entertaining winter viewing and spectacular roads, makes me envious. E and A from A

  2. Glad you enjoyed it, Grazie and Ciao
