Monday, 22 January 2024

Managed a wee hurl in between storms

 It has been very gold and the roads a bit treacherous but suddenly by Saturday it cleared up and more importantly warmed up. We took the opportunity to get out and visited Cupar Motorcycles, its been years since I've spent a Saturday in a bike shop and we both enjoyed it. Susan in the parts department helped us try helmets on and was full of knowledge you don't get on the interweb, more planning our options than buying on Saturday but she will get the business when we make up our minds. I think the online service you get from Sportbikeshop and their competitors is excellent but you cant beat a local bike shop and I suppose if we stop using them then we'll lose them.

What else would you do on a slightly dreich day but get the bikes out for some fun anyway? We wobbled around the roads less travelled taking a very convoluted way to get home (Some would say we got lost) but we enjoyed being out and made the most of it. The roads were still worth watching though and I actually got stuck in a bit of ice, Fiona, cleaned the section but I jumped off and tried to push through and Fiona had to come back and push, the shame! I also managed to get her covered in dirt from the rear tyre, I'm good that way!

The only downside was the length of time it took to clean the bikes but as they say thats the price you pay for fun.

Fi took the left side and cleaned it , I got stuck in the pothole and failed
Dreich but good to be out
Avoiding going home by having a cuppa at the side of the road
Note my bike and me clean
Whilst Fi's bike is dirty from following me and muck on her jacket from helping me !


  1. Aye, cannae take a bairn anywhere, without falling in a muddy hole! However, salute for taking the BMW's out and getting them clarty. Good health, Myreside

    1. Had to be done Bill, going stir crazy with the weather

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  3. Not sure if you are both mad, keen or mad keen but well done on getting out and I assume all of the above, it's the cleaning the bike more than anything that keeps me off the road. Probably see you tomorrow, Budge.

    1. Probably just mad, but it was good fun.
      See you if you come round tomorrow 😉
