Monday, 8 January 2024



Happy new year! I hope you all have a wonderful 2024. I know sometimes life throws up moments of sadness but we should all try to remember the happy times, always looking back at the laughs and good times we have had and looking forward to the Future.

My new years resolution remains the same as always, to enjoy myself, especially my motorcycling more.

My wishes for 2024 are that the clowns, thieves and vagabonds in both the Scottish government and Westminster go to jail for stealing from the working man and lining their own pockets.

In a worldwide context my wish is that the rich people who cause wars and misery and deaths the world over have an epiphany and realise that they are only here for a short time, the same as the rest of us and get a grip and do good not evil.

Enough of my political pontificating, when’s the weather going to warm up? I did manage a wee run out on the R100 last week which was great but it’s been dodgy since.

We went to France to bring in the New year, driving in the car, no real issues (Apart from Fiona having to save a wiper arm that sheared on the A1 by hanging out the passenger window) and the run was actually good. France as always was brilliant, the wine was good and reasonable, the food excellent, and the people friendly. It was windy but we did spot a few bikes out and about which made us feel jealous.

Lets all look forward to 2024 with a veil of optimism, see you on the road....somewhere     

Nice Scooter Display
Very nice place
No vandalism here it would seem
Fiona posing for the camera 
To windy for dinghy's thankfully
Motorcyclists , dont you hate them when you are in the car
Nice motorbike roads
The Germans had a gun emplacement here during WW2, what have we learnt?
Cool sailing ship statue
Always the weather suits someone
Like last week when it was only wet
Sunday and our Buddha had grown a mohican
As did the Tin Man
Loch Earn looking good
Like I say everybody likes the weather sometime
Fi Enjoying the sun
The Falls 
And finally, I like this one, the mist on the fields and the mountains in sunshine 


  1. Happy new Year baith, an lang micht yir lum reek (oan ither fowks coal),
    frae the fowk in Smokeyland.

  2. Gino and Fiona Great to meet up with you guys today at the Sma Glen. Great day for riding my Ural. Simon

    1. Aye great to meet up with another crazy guy out on his bike when most are locked up for winter . Hopefully we meet up again. Was on the F2 site when I got home. Interesting!
      Take care
      Gino &Fiona
