Monday, 20 January 2025

At last, motorcycling in 2025

 Although this winter has been mild there has been a lot of ice and a while of subzero temperatures. This last week however saw a minimum of 4 degrees and very dry so I got out to take advantage of the conditions. I must say the relief of getting back out on the bikes were needed for both of us, I've said it before not riding the bike for any prolonged period of time starts to get me down, I am not a fan of winter for that reason but the tangible benefit of clearing your mind whist motorcycling is for us anyway an essential part of life. 

Doctors should advise this to patients who are a bit run down, "When was the last time you were out on your motorbike?" "Not been out for weeks" " well go home, get your bike out and do at least 100 miles, you will feel better" " Oh and remember to take your vitamins as well"

I was out on the R100 earlier in the week and then the 650's Saturday and Sunday , even the roads weren't too mucky, brilliant.

Oh and I got a chance to try out my new drone , it has a "Follow me" option, it was like riding with a parrot behind you, quite funny, not so when I tried to get it to follow me into Perth, it decided to go its own way and crashed in the undergrowth in a nearby field, what fun.

Keep on keeping on my friends

Brilliant for January
Not so sunny but no complaints
watching the river flow by
Action shot 
No action shot
Stopped for a cuppa, we were almost home but wanted to prolong the day


  1. Nice start to the year, thanks for keeping us informed and entertained . Eric
