Sunday, 14 April 2024

Wee Smokey

 Despite the hellish weather forecast (Heavy showers and high winds) we had a very nice run to Arbroath for the first "Wee Smokey" of 2024. We left early (for us ) but the car park was already packed by the time we got there just before 11. Once again, an outstanding crowd of lovely people (apart from the loud exhaust brigade not on classic bikes and not doing anyone any favours)

Great to see so many weel kent faces after a long winter and get the banter, once again the pictures tell the story and well done to Eric for his efforts, fantastic! (and again we were lucky with the weather!)


Leaving in the sun
The theme for prizes was under 250cc, this effort was interesting
Phil on his Commando and his son Tom on his xt600
Alan and Marian's triples
And from the other side
Good Matchless and AJS turnout
Jake and Ali's steeds
Hector has been polishing again!
And a Vincent
The "Small bikes ring"
Eric taking the weight off
plenty wee bikes, seems to be a thing these days
Murray and Ian posing for the camera
nice Yamaha
Super nice Ducati
late T3
Ner a Car, a regular at this meeting
Velocette (2nd kick)
Velo like mines but started first kick, how I hate them
Murray's V11 Le Mans
Mikes Morini
and a very nice 350 LC
Nice R100
Brother John and Lesley's bikes
Mr Bloys Single
And his pal John on a very nice Matchy
RD400, he passed us on the way there
And still dont know what it is!
And an out of focus shot of the prizegiving, thanks again Eric


  1. Thanks Gino/Fiona for coming along today, but a telt ye afore if ye want tae tak ma picter - get ma best side. Hasta la vista

  2. OH! The haddy's no pleased! Thank you Eric for putting on a grand day out. The wee dustbin fairing job is a Honda C?? modified al la Malcolm Newall/Royce Creasey FF, by modifying the rear subframe and shortening the steering stem, I believe (?). Good to have the craic and a nice shot of Jon's 450. Good health, Myreside

  3. It was interesting to say the least, sorry i didn't get much time for a blether with you, seemed to spend all day giving different folk abuse. I didn't see your Ducati? Must of hidden it because Jon's was so shiney :-)

  4. Your ebullient self, as ever, at the Wee Smokie. No need to apologise for not seeing the Duke, parked next to the yellow Triumph, beside John's Matchy G3L and Sandy's ES2. Mine never looked like Jon's, that's not Italian chrome, or paint, and mine was 2 years old before I got my hands on it. It was clean, but never bling! Off to remove the clart from yesterday. Good health, Myreside

    1. Must be going blind as well as daft! Enjoy the polishing !
