Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Ardnamurchan Norton weekend

The 23rd of June is a special day, not only did the battle of Bannockburn start on this day but its also the anniversary of my 21st birthday so what better way to spend it but in company of friends and the Norton Club in Ardnamurchan. A wet and windy run most of the way and colder than of late which wasn't good but an enjoyable hurl up the road anyway. Our destination was Sunart camping at Strontian, an excellent site with great facilities and Tim the owner is also a keen motorcyclist, I can't recommend it highly enough.. A good turnout, Friday evening in the bar and an early bath for me due to peaking too early although judging by the faces on Saturday I suspect there was overindulgence amogst some of the others. Saturday some went for a run but it was pissing down so we just wandered around the area and talked nonsense which was great. Saturday evening the girls organised a BBQ at the campsite which was excellent and with the assistance of some whisky the evening went very well. A great bunch of people and great banter all round. Sunday raining (of course) and to be honest the first part of the run as far as Lix Toll I felt wobbly, some days you get on the bike and it doesn't flow, luckily it doesn't happen often, this was not helped by passing an accident just North of Onich and then riding through Glencoe which is full of tourists braking suddenly to ooh and aah at the scenery (Feckwits!!!!) However by Lix Toll life was good again and we had a splendid dry run home for part 2. Thanks to all for making it a great weekend!
Clean, loaded and ready to go
Stop for a heat and a cuppa at the Green Welly
Ferry crossing makes it feel like a real holiday
Jim's Commando (Not Fiona's)
Fiona's Commando and my 70 roadster
Phils faithful steed
Even in the rain its nice
I predict a fryup, hillarious
Twa craws sat upon the wa!
Twa windswept fowk sittin on a wa!
They make whisky out of this water you know
In the bothy at Sunart, braw
Laurenne in control of the cooking
Anne helping
Fiona tasting!
Good craic
Plenty whisky
Phil and Jim discussing which is the best polish!


  1. When you were one, I was 400% older than you, but now it's only 7%. I'm getting younger as you're getting older. Enjoyed the video, wobbly or not... ;-)

  2. Ha ha cheers Jake for the maths, glad you enjoyed the vid, hard to not shake when your on a Norton!!!!
