Sunday, 21 August 2016

Norton Applecross weekend

Another highly successful Applecross weekend for the mighty Norton Owners club (Tay Valley Branch) , a great turnout, especially nice to see Tim & Linda Harrison make their first trip to the Peninsula, as well of course our visitors from far and near. The run up on Friday was good, rain threatened but never came to anything until we got over the Bealach. Fi was piloting the chair with Gill in the tub so progress was at times impeded by the moronic idiots let loose on our roads for their holidays, the curse of the Motor-home, caravan and badly driven car is still evident. The midges though were having a field day, Alan from Hull seemed to be a target and was suffering, nothing worse than the Scottish midge when they are after blood! The rain on Friday ensured we spent all night in the pub which isn't a bad thing. Saturday Laurenne masterchef prepared breakfast and the sun was out shining brightly, most of us sat around all day talking nonsense some took the advantage and went for a bimble around. Norrie then decided it was beer o clock so pub again to sit outside (unusual for me) a great meal with 20 of us at the walled garden and copius amounts of banter and beer then back to the pub for last orders. I wasn't drunk but somehow managed to leave my wallet in the bar, I never noticed at all but when I stopped at Ballinluig I got a text from brother John saying he had my wallet. The staff (Caroline I think) had come up to the campsite looking for me, Luckily John was still packing up! A fantastic weekend with great company, good laughs and no issues with the bikes, all good!
The V11 running particularly well after a service and tune up!
Our latest member Jim Flannigan's bike
Simon, up from Coventry
Looks like summer! L-R Davie Jim Simon and Ian (all the way from Ireland) 
Norrie announcing beer time
Alan the midge's favourite person
I never tire of this view
Rain on Skye & the cullins to the left
Sunshine over the church to the right
pretty and sunny
Highland cows and deer happily co existing
It did rain later so I could get a rainbow photo
Bert arrived with his truck, luckily for us a he carried the kitchen! 


  1. Looks like a fun time. IS THAT SUN?!?! hi from Krakow!

  2. It is, you know it is always sunny here, Had Gene & Neda in for dinner Thursday. Enjoy Poland!

    Gino & Fiona

  3. Thanks for the warm welcome .. the wee bike is just about fixed after the encounter with the mobile home , cheers from paul c

  4. Hi Paul
    Glad you made it (despite the campervan incident) hopefully see you in future at some meeting, Ewan will keep you posted hopefully


  5. Yes ,I'm sure we will meet again , best of luck and ride safe on your next adventure , pjc
