Tuesday 8 October 2024

A wet weekend but great motorcycling and scenery

 This time of year comes round even quicker than before, I am glad it does come round because most of the tourists have buggered of so there are less camper vans which makes life better, but it brings coldness, I think I would rather put up with cold and quiet road to be honest. Basically we had trip around Perthshire and to Alloa for a Guzzi meeting we also had a run out in the van after the rain went off, I know it makes no sense but that is us, the No Sense Rondellis. I had a wee upside down whilst I was on foot trying to take some photos, of course had I been on the bike the bike gear would have saved me but it was when I was in the van, I think I will start wearing Bike gear all the time, only a knackered elbow trying to save my camera, hopefully it will get better soon, the camera was fine!!!!! Oh and yes I was sober! Oh and the good photos were taken by Fiona!

On the very slippy Glenlyon road
Loch Earn
Lady looking at nature
Kenmore/Loch Tay
Ace photographer
Dunning glen
Our new friend Matteo from Sardinia on his Stelvio
Alans mk2 cali
Poor turnout but I suppose the time of year didn't help
Flicking back to Loch Tay (I couldn't be arsed putting the photos in order)
Buchanty Spout scene of my fall
I should have paid attention

Monday 30 September 2024

Big Train set

 The weekend wasn't as bad as the forecast would have us believe, matter of fact it was as good as its been for a while, no rain and the roads dry. Sunday afternoon we decided to take the R100 out , just one bike and hence saving some petrol, of course we have to save money somehow, there doesn't seem to be anyone offering us Free clothes, Free specs, Free luxury stays in a top London apartment free 1.2 million pound loans or even free heating payed for by the taxpayer, of course even the Scottish Greens got into the act with free champers and food thanks to the energy companies, aye the Greens who want to stop all road building and no doubt send us back to the dark ages ( except we all have to be sexual deviants at the same time) , oh dear I seem to have gone off in a rant again.

I had passed a sign on the Gask road for a while which read something about trains and tea and cakes so yesterday being a day when we had nowhere particular to go we decided to stop, firstly for tea and cakes but then as we sat and watched the trains through the Gazebo windows we thought we had better pay our entrance  (£7 each, kids 4 and under go free and even I couldn't persuade them that Fi was only 4) I have to say it was worth it, after a week trying to avoid the bad news (It's impossible, it's everywhere) it was an hour well spent looking at nothing in particular and how relaxing it was. Afterwards we made up a circular route, just us on the bike enjoying the dry and quiet roads, not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon, no I'm not buying a train set but its worth it for the peace and quiet and the cake wasn't bad either.
Oh and we both enjoyed the R100 as well!

Bike at rest
Big train set
it didn't stop at the station, must be Scotrail
A Freight train which you never see in real life
Braw bridge
And of course Thomas the Tank engine

Friday 27 September 2024

Wee Smokey video

 Last Sunday was cold but the roads were almost dry and a long overdue trip to Arbroath to see the famous Smokey Toon and the even more famous Eric, the organiser of what has become a staple of the Classic bike scene. The video gives a flavour of the event better than I can in words, and thanks to Eric for the tip on the alternative route to Forfar on the way home, I managed not to get lost which is unusual!!

Monday 23 September 2024

Tullybannocher closed, last day Classic meeting

 Sadly one of our favourite cafes and meeting places has closed, greed probably from the site owner who wants to sell the site for £300K and depriving much needed jobs in the area. Now I understand that the owner probably wants to realise his assets before the Labour government takes it all away from him but I sense that it is a sign of the times, not a good sign, greed and a lust for continual housebuilding continues apace, considering the population of Scotland is shrinking I am baffled where all the people are coming from to fill the need for housing, Africa? Arabia? Eastern Europe? and more importantly who is paying? Certainly not the people who run this country who can't even afford clothes or a holiday it would seem even on their large salaries and expenses.

Anyway enough of that depressing nonsense, we (the little people) managed to have a great day out, the carpark and cafe was full of people and the bikes came out despite the constant threat of rain, a great day out, Fiona once again stole my T3 but I am getting it back sometime.....

Photos as always tell the story.....


Don's V65
Jakes Falcone
very popular for those who want a classic but without all of the hassle
David on his trusty Duke
And esteemed photographer Wally striking a pose
Marks Z1000
Committee arrives
Modern Bonnie
Bills Duke, fresh after a previous midnight front end rebuild
Alans Commando
Budge getting on top of the Morini fettling
Mikes shiny LeMans
And Caths T3
Falcone again
Georges V7 sport, very tasty
Nice trident
Sidecar makes an entrance
times two
Clean RS
Born to be mild
Another T160
Time to go
Regular attender
Not mine, pity, really tidy late T3
So small compared to the modern ones
Frasers Hornet
Tidy Triumph
Another Laverda
Commando arrives
Old school
Plenty to see and talk about
A brace of Guzzi's