We left Nicola, Brian and Lucy on Monday after a great five days in their company, sad to leave them but not that sad to leave Orlando or as I prefer tourist hell!
We rode south on the very busy I 95 then turned off thinking it would be quieter and nicer on US 1 but we were wrong, traffic light hell but we were rewarded with the Johnathan Dickinson State park. We stayed there for three nights, enjoying camping amongst some great wildlife most of which disappeared when I grabbed the camera, some of the biggest eagles I've ever seen but to fast for my lens! Some cool but scary alligators and several million mosquitoes who feasted out big style on Fiona and I for the whole time we were there, so much so we now both look like we have chickenpox!!!
Apart from that there was some sadness as we broke camp this morning for the last time this trip. We're not ready for home yet but the bikes go to the shippers soon so it's going to be hotels and cruise ships for a while until we summon up the courage to face the reality of Scotland in the Winter.
The cruise ship (or ferry as i prefer to call it) will take us to the Bahamas for a while, ridiculous as it may seem we got a last minute deal fully inclusive (except alcohol) much cheaper than some campsites we've stayed at!
So Miami tonight and tomorrow organising the shipping home of the bikes, sad but still some adventures left on this trip!
You see some amazing cars here |
Our last gas stop....but it wasn't, had to put another $5 in later to make sure we got to Miami |
Camping......braw |
Interesting! |
Mr Sleepy Alligator |
Mr I can see you Alligator |
Nature, just us and millions of mozzies |
Preparing dinner |
time for us to be dinner |
Life is good |
These things kept me entertained for hours |
Suspect it was a mating ritual |
Our new pal Eddie who we met at McD's we spoke for ages and he gave us his lottery ticket as a gift, we never won but another example of how friendly and open people are in life. |
Fi's very worn triners and socks are sacrificed |
The last breaking camp of this trip......we think..... |
I remember "the last stop". Just reading about it hurts a bit (ok more than a bit). Sneak a bottle or 2 on to the ship. They do not check your bags and it is cheaper. I am so glad that you guys made us a part of your trip and gave us a reason to look at computer everyday.
Hi Kevin,
DeleteI'll try that!! Thanks for the hospitality, its guys like you that made the trip worthwhile, the blog's not over yet!!!!
Gino & Fiona
Enjoy the Bahamas, it's a cold wet and drech here .
Aye Brian, not looking forward to that part of our return!!
Gino & Fiona
Hi Gino and Fiona.
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear you latest news and see the photos. Sounds like you loved Mickey Mouse land...Not!!! Haha!! My two boys love geckos and would spend ages trying to catch them, usually without much luck!!
Can't believe you'll soon be shipping your bikes back home, it's been a very quick year! I'm not looking forward to your adventure coming to an end either - What am I going to do for bedtime reading now?? Hope there'll be another video instalment before you two head back across the Atlantic!
Enjoy the Bahamas...bring some sunshine back to Bonnie Scotland please!!
Take care,
Alison, Kev and boys
Hi Guys
DeleteYes it has been a very quick year, need to get back and plan the next adventure now! The video will be done when we get home, its a painfully slow process on the laptop we have here. There is still more to come, tourist photos from the Bahamas, nae bikes though!!
Thanks for commenting!!
Gino & Fiona
Aye Fiona and Gino,
ReplyDeleteBeen keeping up and enjoying the speal. Not sure about the ruddy mozzies, bad enough here at the house when in season! Not "moving on" is going to be "real queer" once you return here, the goldfish bowl of a cruise ship will reinforce the inability to "run!".
Almost balmy today, but VERY wet and a houlie forecast for "darn souf" later this weekend-Monday.
Started on the Duke!
All the best, good health and safe travels wherever you may roam.
Bill and Kat.
P.S. Geko flashing his throat patch! Either "Hello darling!" or "Sod off, my mozzie!" :¬)
Aye Bill & Kat
DeleteThe mozzies are seriously bad here, worse than the west coast on a windless damp day and more evil!! Looking forward to catching up when we get back, mind and hae the kettle on!
Gino & Fiona
Aye Fiona & Gino,
DeleteMozzies in the myre here are "Anopheles claviger, it is found throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland with a most northerly record of Lochinver, Highland (Marshall, 1938). It is the most widely recorded Anopheles in the British Isles which perhaps reflects its wide range of aquatic development sites which include pools, ponds, ditches, streams, canals, and artificial collections of water in troughs and rain butts. It has been recorded in clean and polluted fresh and brackish waters." You may find that you acquire more bites on the cruise landfall. Dinnae bring any more hame wi yer!
The kettle is always fired up and the odd spanner available.
Keep an eye on the forecast 'Big Blow', similar to 1987 coming in on Sunday night-Monday morning, we "may" escape its wrath.
Good health, Bill & Kat.
Hi Bill & Kat\
DeleteNo intention of bringing any home!\
We keep an eye on developments back home to make sure we've got a home to come home to.\
Get that Ducati fixed, it's about time\
Gino & Fiona}
Gino and Fiona - Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment! I have been following your blog since you were in Equator. (I am a fellow Norton owner living in Ohio USA)
ReplyDeleteBest wishes,
Del Gratz
Thanks Del
DeleteGlad you enjoyed, still more to come so stay tuned
Gino & Fiona
Hi guys, Like the others here, we're going to miss your patter and vids. Your tour has been very entertaining to follow and it's coincided with Dave Moore's setting up of Faircity MCC group, which has brought back a lot of great memories for us. We look forward to seeing and hearing more of you and Fi's adventures from where ever.
ReplyDeleteCheer for now and keep the knees in the breeze.
Bisk and Spug
Delete{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}
\f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Hi Guys\
Appreciate the comments, there will be plenty more to follow, we never sit still for long\
Gino & Fiona }
Hey U2, So Fiona,your going to be a BahamaMomma... Just wanted to extend an invitation to ya,ll if u ever decide to venture across the pond again. Joe and I wish you all the best!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Colleen & Joe, keep in touch
DeleteGino & Fiona
Finishing the tour with a cruise in the Bahamas? There goes your street cred in a microsecond, but you did have the decency to hate it... ;-) Sorry it's come to an end, but glad you both made it in one piece. That'll keep you both going in stories in your retirement! We'll book you for a talk at club night when you get back? Just back from a 10 day mid west tour, but the filthy Toyota Camry provided by Avis doesn't compare even to a GS and it was a tad chilly for motorcycling, scraping the ice off every morning but one. I only saw about 5 bikes on the road the whole trip, but I saw more square miles of corn (fuel maybe?) than I care to repeat. The Department of Homeland Security didn't like my suitcase full of special tools on the way home, and turned my carefully packed masterpiece into a maelstrom of cam pullers and dirty washing, bearing pullers and what used to be a nice M&S business suit. Will be good to catch up with you when you've finished your holidays... :) Y'all take care now, y'hear. best, Jake
ReplyDeleteAye Jake
DeleteA bit sad its almost over but there has to be an end or we become gypsies, not ready for that yet. It was still hot when we were in the Mid West, yep all that corn going to ruin the petrol and associated components while people starve, criminal!!
Most of our stuff that could be misconstrued by the customs guys is going back on the bikes, just hope its all there when we pick them up again.
Nae street cred anyway Jake, I'll not rush back on a cruise thats for sure.
Catch up on the cards, I'll keep you posted
Gino & Fiona