Monday, 10 February 2025

Are we free?

 That used to be a catchphrase on a well known UK television comedy program and lately I have been wondering "Are we free" certainly not free to say what we want, the socialist government have put paid to free speech in just months in office, mind you the left of the right were slowly taking away the freedom of speech anyway. Any comments on your concerns will have you labeled with a whole range of titles you wouldn't be proud to have pinned on you. The state sponsored Stasi will question you if you put anything "they" don't like on Social media and have arrested recently some well known people for saying it as it is. Its very sad that the UK have sunk into this quagmire of filth so quickly and with nary a quiver of protest.

As motorcyclists we are at risk from non elected think tanks who would like to see us off the road or onto electric bikes as a minimum whilst the obscene spectacle of overweight Lycra warriors who pay not a cent for road tax or insurance continue to use our roads as a personal race track. Because of the Green lobby we pay more for energy in the UK whilst India and China keep churning out coal powered   polluting power stations daily.

Anyhoo, the good news is that at the moment we can do what we want (almost) and so I did manage a couple of days out on the bikes last week, Thursday a day out on the Airhead and Sunday a wee run on the 650 BMW's, its a great thing for clearing your mind. Thursday I stopped in to see an former colleague and friend who has just signed up for a 2 year lease of a new Norton Commando at a price that is scarcely believable. A brand new bike for £100 deposit and then £68 a month, hand it back after 2 years or buy it for £12K and that on what should be a £17k motorbike. I'm not sure what the scam is here, just like the abundance of Turkish barbers springing up in various town who never seem to have customers, anyway, rent a cheap bike and get a cheap haircut it seems like a no brainer, nobody can lose.......can they?

Loch Earn, cold but sunny
Glen Ogle
Glen Ogle (again)
And with a filter (Maybe I should get a filter for my brain?)
Sma Glen
Icy layby
Out of my depth


  1. Gino I've been trying to post to you several times with no success, Eric. We'll see what this does.

  2. Well that worked Eric ! Good to hear from you
