Sunday 30 June 2024

Euro Tour part 2

 I was looking at the photos for this part of the trip and noticed how dull it was in retrospect, when we were there it seemed sunny all the time but the camera doesn't lie, so its not always sunny in Spain and France it would seem but in my head when I'm on holiday definitely. We left the campsite still smarting at paying almost 80 euros, like many Euro campsites you get charged per Vehicle and they make no differences between a motorcycle and a big 4x4 which seems pretty unfair (as does the Tax in the UK where bikes pay more than some cars!)  Anyhoo, onwards and upwards, we headed up into to the high Pyrenees going through a spectacular Gorge on the way to Castejon de Sos which was a very pretty town quite near the French Border. We had a couple of days here, mostly lazing around and listening to the TT on Manx radio, indeed Fiona was listening to a race coming through the Gorge and was keeping me updated , I did ask her to pay attention to the road and less attention to a road in the Isle of Man at the same time.

Ruined Castle
The Gorge
Snow still on the hills
Very pretty
Their own TT race
Scary birds
A couple were riding this around the pyrenees, fair play
Main street
Sleepy street
Nice town with interesting views
This Benelli was there for the whole time, local maybe?
Our new pal Miguel from Portugal

Although Google refused to route us north we were sure there was a pass into France judging by the amount of bikes heading both ways so we took a chance, nice road with hairpins after hairpins but nowhere to stop for a photo unfortunately and eventually we met the main road to France, stunning scenery but colder than it had been, we climbed and entered the tunnel just after a stunning waterfall and entered France a while later several degrees colder and a bit wetter. We stopped to put the waterproofs on in Montauban- de- Luchon  before heading over the small road that is the D51 towards Tarbes before heading on the small roads to Pau where we had a nice and cheap Hotel for the night, the following day heading north along the Atlantic coast east of Bordeaux to a campsite on the beach and that will be the end of part 2

Spectacular waterfall
waiting on Fi who was 1/4 of a mile back taking the photo of the waterfall
Time to put waterproofs on
On the D51, nice
empty apart from us and a few cyclists who by the way are well behaved unlike the muppets here 

Macdonalds for lunch
The church in Gan
opposite our digs in Gan ( Just south of Pau)
Lunchtime again
eating our Baguettes wondering if its going to rain


  1. 👍👍 Eric xx

    1. Thanks guys, getting there painfully slowly, have been out of it for weeks now but getting there. Good to be inspired by all your exotic travel tales. See you sometime. Eric

  2. Thank you for publishing Gino. Very sorry to read that Eric is no fit, this is bad and I hope via this blog that you continue to mend Eric. Best, Myreside

  3. Ta Myreside, once I get healed up maybe see you at La Smokee Aberbrothock.

    1. Sounds a positive plan. Keep taking care of yoursel' oily fish is good! Best, Myreside
