Sunday, 23 April 2023

Heading North

After our night in Algeciras we headed for the hills for some camping, super nice campsite with a 3km gravel road access. There was a load of schoolkids there which were noisy but were far enough away from us, the biggest issue was the cold, as soon as the sun went down it was cold, very cold!
We decided to hotel it the following day  and headed to Trujillio which is a really nice town, unknown to me I'd picked a hotel at the top of the hill which after a long day in the saddle was difficult , like a steep trials section on cobbled streets but we made it unscathed. That night having a beer the Dutch couple who were camping near us the previous night spotted us and came to say hello, almost 300 miles away and no conversation other than the normal niceties, how weird is that!
Yesterday we rode another almost 300 miles to Palencia which is where we are now. Friendly place but colder again. The have the 3rd largest Christ the redeemer statue overlooking the town which is quite impressive!  Heading for the ferry in a couple of days and then making our way to the Guzzi rally next weekend!  
Camping, cold
Trujillio Castle 
bikes at rest
storks at rest
man with funny  hat
Palencia, looks warm but it's not
town Square
police display, a Spanish made Sanglas
impressive statue 


  1. Cold will get you"z" nicely acclimatised for Linlithgow weekend.
    Eric from land of the Big Smokes.

  2. Cold in Spain?? Been really windy for past 3 days in Glasgow although couple of clear days with sun. hmm 6 degrees outside, toasty! Great pics as always!

  3. It looks like you're making up for the lack of beer in Morocco, enjoying the photos of some lovely-looking places and it has to be warmer than it is back here, its been freezing here today with hailstones so yes you are going to need the heating on when you get home.
