Wednesday, 14 December 2022

A misty run

 As always when it gets to this time of year the weather starts getting less inviting for us motorcyclists, however it would be wrong in my opinion to miss out on my favorite pastime. Or is motorcycling a lifestyle choice, or maybe even a way of life? Or maybe even the meaning of life? Discuss....

Anyway, we shot this on a dreich day mid November and because its now mid December and the weather has turned a bit Arctic like with temperatures barely reaching 0 Degree's C for the last few days making safe motorcycling impossible (There is no way you want to be anywhere near a Hospital just now) Even the workshop is cold which has made my Commando fettling a chore so there was nothing to do apart from sit at the Computer and put this together. 

There was a thought to bugger off to somewhere hotter but the Trains are on strike and the customs guys have effectively imposed their own lockdown due to their strikes! It's like being back in the 70's again apart from the fact that in the 70's I didn't care, nobody cared, we were all having a good time and in my case if there was no motorcycling I could always look at the world through alcohol filled eyes and imagine I was having a good time, and despite no central heating, single glazing, freezing houses, Power cuts, no money, no Internet, no mobile phones we WERE having a good time, I still am although age has brought to me a certain irritation about anyone who wants to stop me living on the happy side of my brain. 

Keep motorcycling, its the best therapy !


1 comment:

  1. Great video, kind of misty at the beginning! Happy holidays!
