Monday, 13 December 2021

Sunshine photos

 Looking back at some old photos from our big trip on a particularly miserable day last week, some of these photos cheered me up, sunshine and motorbikes, what else do you need? Funny enough George Martin send me some photos of sunny days gone by, great minds think alike.... Its great to escape the harbringers of doom and our totalitarian masters as they flex their imaginary muscles again. Motorbikes and the open road, looking for adventure (almost a song there) and free of the bullshit of todays world! So I make no apology for posting these pictures of our ride through the Atacama desert in Chile, the driest desert in the world (except when we arrived) remember it is only a week before the days turn and we start getting longer daylight, soon be Spring, keep smiling my friends

Camping at Bahia Inglese
In Scotland a shelter is to hide from the rain, here its to hide from the sun
Lunar Landscape
Campsite at Antofagasta, so good we stopped 3 days
Bikes were a bit muddy
Travelling up the coast road
You can just see the ribbon of tarmac (covered in sand) snaking through the desert
Vast landscapes
Vast stomach
My favourite picture
Why? because somebody thought it a good idea
Fiona, a spec in the distance looking for a bush to hide behind
Water rest (needed often)
Salt flats at San Pedro Di Atacama
Wonderful to see wildlife in this harsh environment
In Flight
Feeding time
Looks like I need a haircut time
And the driest place on Earth flooded, just to make us feel at home 
Mud streets turned to mud
And part of the road as well


  1. Thank you for posting Gino.
    Good health, Myreside

  2. Great photies agane...if we ever need a haun',we ken where tae go..brilliant.The Scottish deserts no jist as big..Weel done

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