Monday, 9 November 2020

Hope on the horizon

 Well, 2020 has been strange, the bloody virus has affected us all in one way or another but it appears there is hope and a vaccine will soon be getting rolled out which is at least 90% effective (whatever that means). As long as we can get back to normal life which for most people taking the time to read this is riding bikes and meeting friends, having a laugh and sharing a beer or two with like minded people or even a cuppa tea without the fear of the thought Police throwing us in jail for daring to disobey our crazy power mad politicians who now think they have the power of life and death over us . Actually I suppose they do, killing 2000 people by infecting old folks homes is pretty much the power of life and death.

Hopefully in 2021 we can put this nonsense behind us and get back to enjoying ourselves (remember that?)

Photos today picked from the BBA meeting in Belgium organised by my good friends in 2008 which I think pretty much represents what we are all missing.

Enjoy, no commentary as I'm sure you get the idea!


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